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[3/6/24] We have our First Labor Union in College Athletics!

Dartmouth Basketball

The Dartmouth Men’s Basketball program has officially become a labor union! This makes them the first group of any college athletes to become employees of their university. 

So what the hell does this all mean? 

Let’s take a step back to fully understand. Student-Athletes have been considered “amateurs” for decades, meaning they can’t be compensated. With new NIL regulations and players all across the country being paid, many have questioned what rights these newly paid players have as workers. About a month ago, the National Labor Relations Board voted that student-athletes, under the legal definition, are employees of their university. Putting the final nail in the “amateur” coffin. 

Now, Dartmouth players have officially joined the local Service Employees International Union 560. So what happens next? 

Well, Dartmouth University admin has officially filed a formal appeal to the union effort. That appeal will be reviewed in court. If successful, the sky is really the limit for Dartmouth basketball. This is pretty uncharted territory in college sports. Players could now potentially collectively bargain with staff and admin for things like practice times, weekly schedules, working conditions, and much more. Dartmouth admin will surely fight this tooth and nail, as this ruling is extremely costly to university funding. It will be delayed and sent to as many courts as possible, the lawyers are gonna lawyer. Until the Supreme Court steps in and makes a law of the land, schools and athletes are left to fend for themselves. 

No matter what happens going forward this is no doubt a massive, even historic, step for college athletes all across the country. 

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